Friday, March 8, 2013

Glory Through Glass

The windows of my home are filthy.  When I say, 'filthy', I mean, winter-beaten, dust-covered, outdoor muck and grime FILTHY.  So, yesterday when my 10-year-old stopped mid step and gasped, "MOM, LOOK!" I sorta wanted to walk away.  But, his delight was so contagious that I walked over to him.

"Isn't it BEAUTIFUL?"  He asked.  I was so confused.  Um, yeah, I guess if you love dirt, dust and disgustin'.  "What are you talking about?"  I asked, perplexed.  K-Dog said, "The glorious streams coming into our home!  It's like God is shining right into our house!"

I looked over at the light struggling to break through the nastiness on the windows, not to mention the dust particles floating through the air and almost shrugged my shoulders and moved on.  But, something stopped me.  My son was seeing the the light, the beauty, the iridescence of glory streams breaking through.  He didn't even notice the windows or the dust.  He just saw the lovely.  In his mind, blessings of the Lord were gleaming into our very presence.

Then, I thought to myself.  THAT is how God sees us!  He sees us through the filter of Christ!  When he looks at us, He doesn't see the yeller, the adulterer, the proud, the ungrateful, the drunk, the thief, the liar or the broken.  He sees us at our completion in JESUS!  No, our sin isn't hidden from Him, He's GOD. But when He looks upon us, he sees us through our High Priest's testimony on our behelf!  2 Corinthians 5:21 says, "God made Him who had no sin, to be sin for us, so that in HIM we may become the righteousness of God"   

Jesus is like the purifier used sift and cleanse.  When God the Father looks at our, well, our US, He sees JESUS.  This isn't our license to go on a sin safari, rather it's a calling to holiness and gratitude!  What Jesus did when he paid the ultimate price is sometimes overwhelming to me.  What a gift!

Now, I should probably go wash some windows...

Thank you for seeing me and loving me despite my sin.  THANK you for sending Jesus as a substitute.   I love You.  You are mighty, amazing and glorious.  I feel Your streams of love and I am comforted by Your Son and what He did for me.  Fill me with the Holy Spirit, so that I may show others about your grace and mercy...

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