Anyway, Dad would check out our wounds and declare them fine or not so fine depending on the situation. However, when it came to loose teeth, he would always want to try things. It was kind of mad scientist-esque. Like I distinctly remember John tying a string on his tooth and tying the other end to a door knob and slamming it shut. I also know there were several occasions where the pliers came into play. Whatever reason when Dad became part of the loose tooth equation, THAT NIGHT the tooth would come out! He was like a man on a mission.
Well, much to my husband's dismay, I have adopted this twisted, desperate need to pull out loose teeth. Right now as I type K-man's other front tooth is loose and it's all I can do not to go help him yank it out.
So, a couple of weeks ago K-man's top front tooth was loose..very loose. For DAYS I let him "wiggle it" and nothing came of it. So, I said "Buddy, I think we need the pliers." To which my boy said "WHAT?!?!?" After putting his fears to rest (convincing him it would be AWESOME) I proceeded to the garage all the while hearing my husband say "JUST LEAVE IT ALONE? What is your deal? Why does it HAVE to come out?"
We went to the bathroom in front of the mirror. He looked at me with big, suspicious, brown eyes and said "Do you think it will work?!" To which I replied "I don't know, but this is the way Grandpa pulled mommy's teeth out!" So, I told him I would clamp the pliers and he would PULL really hard. And guess what - IT TOTALLY worked!! K-man's eyes were as big as saucers. He thought it was WAY cool. But, for whatever reason he is loathe to pull the other one out that way? Hmmm...weird?
Anyway, hey Dad, aren't you proud?